
Small Interior Design Firm with a passion for creating unique handmade items. At Monica Spangler Design we are always creating and hunting for special pieces no one has to give your space that wow factor.


Mother's Day is May 10th

Mother's Day is May 10th

Moms have always been there for us. From kissing our booboos when we are crying, to the sleepless nights and a shoulder we cry on when we need it. Mom is always trying to be creative with dinner and the referee between siblings. Tell mom how much you appreciate her and all she does.

DIY ideas for kids to make mom something special:

~ Repurpose a mason jar. Have your little one(s) pick flowers in the yard. Place the flowers in the jar and tie a bow around the mason jar. Attach a hand made note of card.

~Get a basket and fill it with things mom loves.

~String art is a great way for kids to make something special for mom. Cost is very low and you can really get creative with the design and colors.

These are great DIY for kids of all ages, and the kids will be excited to have made something special for mom.

Visit my Pinterest page for more ideas: https://www.pinterest.com/monicaspanglerdesign/boards/

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